Looking for a story.

The Diary of a Not So Ordinary Boy

I don’t know quite where to start with this story that is hitting the headlines and doing the rounds of the social media.   There are so many issues tied up in the parcel that it’s difficult to know which one to go for.  There’s the girl, the mother, seemingly forced by poverty into selling her body for breeding purposes.  There’s the Australian couple.  So desperate for a baby that they outsourced a womb that worked for the right price.   And there’s the baby.  A boy with a heart condition who happens to have Down Syndrome; a boy who didn’t fit the bill and now finds himself living in the state his existence was supposed to solve.

When Sam was born I struggled.  I struggled with my anger that life hadn’t turned out the way I thought it ought.  I struggled with the foreknowledge that my responsibilities, as far as parenting…

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